The ITFA German Regional Committee (GRC) is organizing an event on Thursday 6 June, 2019 in Frankfurt am Main. One of the topics to be discussed will be the new BAFT MPA.
The event will commence at 14:00h and will be hosted by Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt. It will be followed by the Annual Stammtisch at 18:30h (details about the location to follow). As in prior years, the dinner is at the cost of each participant.
The event is for ITFA Members only with a maximum of 3 market participants per member institution. To RSVP, please send an email to
All further details will follow shortly. In the meantime, we urge you all to Save the Date.
This seminar is an excellent opportunity to clarify all issues you have with the new MPA. In order to help our speakers to prepare, we advise you to send all questions you have in advance to
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Frankfurt and we would like to thank Commerzbank AG in advance for hosting this ITFA GRC event.
Venue details to follow in due course.
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