Exclusive offer for ITFA members and customers: personalized copies of URF 800 at 10% discount!
Your logo on ICC URF – How does it work?
Simply download this order form (LINK http://www.iccwbo.org/Data/Products/Icc-bookstore/URF-800-personalization-request-form/), fill it in and send it to the Publications department of the International Chamber of Commerce at pub@iccwbo.org. The minimum order quantity for customization is 300 copies. Your logo (max. 7mm x 30mm) will be printed in the top right corner of the book cover and the phrase “Especially printed for” will appear in small print next to your logo. A proof will be sent directly to you for final approval before printing. Pricing for customization: 3€ plus the price of the publication (25€).
Exclusive offer: 10% discount on personalized copies, i.e. 25,20€ instead of 28€
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