S&W Trade Finance Breakfast Seminar – 26 April 2018, London

In collaboration with Sullivan & Worcester, ITFA is pleased to invite you to yet another Trade Finance Breakfast Seminar entitled: “Trade and Export Finance: Insurance claims in trade and project finance projects – how to maximise your chances of recovery.” This seminar is going to be held on Thursday 26th April 2018, at New Broad Street House, 35 New Broad Street, London, EC2M 1NH, UK. Registration and breakfast are at 8:15 am followed by the seminar from 8:45 till 10:00 am.

Marian Boyle will explain the usual steps and players in the claims process and highlight the duties and responsibilities of Policyholders and Insurers. The talk will focus on practical tips to help get your claim paid on time, and how Banks, that have an interest in policy proceeds, can protect their position.

ITFA members interested in attending this seminar are kindly requested to register by clicking here.

We are pleased to inform you that following the seminar, the presentation will be available for all ITFA members, in the Member Area of the ITFA website.

As always, we do hope you enjoy the events we promote.